
Microphone, Boy, Studio, Screaming, Yelling, Sing

Song is a short poem or other set to music or meant to be sing

Song is a composition for voice or voices performed by singing

Lyrics : a set of words that make up song.

There are some functions of song:

1.       To inspire the listener
2.       To express feeling of the song writer
3.       To share feeling with others
4.       To teach a lesson to the listeners
5.       To criticize environment or a condition
6.       To amuse or entertain the listeners

Part of  song:
1.    Verse
Verse is the main part of a sing
2.    Chorus
Chorus is a part of the song that repeated after a verse (it’s also called refrain/ reff )
3.    Bridge
Bridge is the secondary verse which is different from the primary one. It is usually appear once or twice in a song


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